Optimens SRL- Società Benefit


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Optimens SRL- Società Benefit

Optimens measures, monitors and trains brain functions for a high quality of life.
We want to bridge the gap between scientific research in the field of cognitive neuroscience and people's everyday lives, developing products and services that can benefit both the individual and the community.

Optimens was founded in June 2021 as an innovative startup and benefit company by four women who have worked together for years and who share the same values.

The idea originated from Olga Puccioni - CEO and founder - after her PhD in cognitive neuroscience.

We are a multidisciplinary team, which brings together expertise from the world of neuroscience, data analysis and processing, marketing and digital product design.

Our mission is to create innovative methods to measure people’s cognitive status, monitor it over time and keep it functioning, through tests and cognitive stimulation training.

Our vision is Boost Cognitive Health and Fight Brain Aging.

Collaboration and partnership

Optimens has already launched various partnerships aimed at developing potential collaborative research and development / validation / dissemination projects related to the measurement of cognitive status, its monitoring over time and its maintenance, particularly in the elderly and in situations of fragility. These collaborations arise at a time when the life sciences and medicine sector in general is rapidly evolving in Italy and worldwide. Important changes are underway in the doctor-patient relationship, in the needs and expectations of the latter. Indeed, one of the challenges of the next few years will be to move from a “traditional” medicine to a 4P medicine: predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory.
Among our partners we cite: Bio4Dreams, LILT, Impact HUB, Televita, SIE (Italian Ergonomy Society).
Collaboration agreement for forthcoming projects have been made also with: Executive Function Lab - Università degli Studi di Padova and Università Terza Età Trieste.

What we are looking for

Scientific collaboration, funding, partnerships.

Our Services

Optimens aims to develop, create and market innovative products and services in the field of cognitive neuroscience. More specifically, we work to develop solutions that allow the measurement, monitoring and maintenance/boosting of cognitive status in order to reduce the impact of cognitive decline linked to physiological aging,and mitigate the effects deriving from pathological conditions (dementia, trauma, stroke, brain tumors, etc.).

Our solutions are based on international scientific research in the fields of neuroscience and cognitive psychology.
METIS 365 is a digital platform that evaluates your needs, selects the most appropriate solutions and guides you through the process of active brain aging.
Based on your needs and lifestyle, METIS will guide you through the proposed activities, services and solutions to improve the health of your brain, monitor the results and value your virtuous choices.

METIS 365 is based on three values:

Know yourself
Measure: how anti-aging your lifestyle is and how well your brain works
Identify / find out: what are the areas to improve and in which you are already strong
Monitor: see how it changes over time

METIS 365 guides you towards the best solutions in your area, or accessible according to your needs and possibilities.
Make up your personal plan: choose among the activities that benefit you most

We are not all the same and METIS 365 tracks your choices, compares them to your results over time and tells you which ones help you the most to keep your brain fit.
Then it rewards you for taking care of yourself and improving your quality of life.
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